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What Are the Most Common Migraine Triggers?

Jun 20, 2023

Migraines are an often debilitating condition that impacts many people. According to, approximately 39 million individuals in the United States are impacted by this condition. Understanding the triggers behind migraines is crucial for managing and preventing this condition. Keep reading to learn more about the most common migraine triggers.

Emotional Triggers

Your emotions can drastically impact your physical well-being, especially if you are prone to tension headaches and migraines. Tension headaches often lead to migraines and are caused by stress or overwhelming emotions. Try to prevent migraines with stress management techniques like yoga meditation and breathing exercises.

Inadequate Sleep

Not getting enough sleep can trigger a migraine. Irregular sleep patterns aren't good, either. That also means that you shouldn't get too much sleep. Instead, develop a sleep pattern and stick with the schedule. A regular sleep schedule that doesn't involve oversleeping can help prevent migraines.

Hormonal Fluctuations

As women experience the different phases of their menstrual cycle, they may experience hormonal fluctuations. Unfortunately, these can be huge migraine triggers, according to Mayoclinic. Pay attention to when your cycle happens monthly, and try different treatments like ice, relaxation exercises, or acupuncture to relieve the migraine pain.

Certain Foods

Certain foods are known to cause migraines in individuals sensitive to them. Alcohol, especially red wine, is a well-known trigger. Aged cheese, chocolate, caffeine, processed meats, and artificial sweeteners may be triggering too. Working with a professional specializing in migraine treatment can help you identify triggering foods.

Environmental Triggers

Many people have migraine triggers that are part of the environment. Strong smells, such as those from perfume, are known for triggering migraines. Bright lights, loud sounds, and extreme temperatures may also trigger migraines. Migraine treatment can help you discover what your environmental triggers are.

Weather Changes

There are a few ways that weather changes can trigger a migraine. Extreme hot and cold temperatures can trigger migraines. They can also lead to sinus problems and congestion. These conditions can trigger a migraine, creating more pressure and often leading to a headache.


Conditions that cause a headache can also cause migraines. It usually starts out as a headache, then pain triggers a migraine. Ensure you drink plenty of water, especially during hot months or when working out. Eating foods packed with water, such as watermelon, is another great way to stay hydrated.

Having migraines can lead to a lesser quality of life, making migraine treatment essential. Contact Concussion and Migraine Clinic today to get started on
migraine treatment and enjoy a better life.

migraine treatment clinic
28 Nov, 2023
If you suffer from migraines, a migraine treatment clinic can help. Take a look at this blog to see how migraines impact everyday life.
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